Who is watching your critical room when you are away?


Sensaphone systems will monitor critical environmental conditions such as Temperature, Humidity, Smoke, Sound Level, Motion, Water, Intrusion, and Power Outages through pinging and port availability. When a network component becomes unavailable, the system notifies you via telephone or email about the problem. You can monitor the status of network links, routers, printers and servers—any device through a hard wired contact or even through an IP address.

sensaphone01Starting with basic systems such as the Sensaphone 400 intended for small businesses, and residential applications. This is an easy, inexpensive way to monitor a remote facility. It can be installed in any clean indoor environment to monitor a variety of applications. The 400 has a built-in ability to monitor for power failures and to listen to the sound of a smoke detector. There are also four external inputs that can be connected to a variety of sensors to monitor temperature, water on the floor, humidity, and much more. One of the four external inputs already comes with a temperature sensor for monitoring temperature where the 400 is installed.

To more sophisticated equipment such as the Sensaphone IMS-4000, a stand-alone infrastructure monitoring system with integrated voice and modem, sensaphone02internal UPS, flash-disk storage, and a web server, in a simple-to-install 1U-rackmountable package. From the wide array of its plug and play monitoring devices to its sophisticated software, the IMS-4000 is the complete, flexible, integrated system

Sensaphone features include:

  • Monitor critical environmental conditions such as temperature, Humidity, Smoke, Sound Level, Motion, Water, Intrusion, and Power Outages
  • Lights on the face of the Senspahone instantly reveal any outstanding problems.
  • With sound level monitoring you can be notified if an audible alarm goes off, and remotely listen in to your room and assess the situation yourself at any time
  • Monitor IP devices through pinging and port availability.
  • Monitor the status of network links, routers, printers and servers—any device which has an IP address
  • Sensaphone will find you and notify you of a problem no matter where you are.
  • Multiple communication interfaces— Ethernet port and standard telephone interface
  • Receive early notification before a problem turns into a disaster.sensaphone03
  • Integrated modem / voice interface of the Host means network events and environmental problems are sent to you in your own voice.
  • Obtain status information about your infrastructure—anytime, anywhere.
  • Call into your Sensaphone using your computer’s standard dial-up networking.
  • The console software operates the same remotely as it does locally for complete management and control of your IMS system.
  • If you’re not near a computer, then just pick up any phone and call into the Sensaphone: It will tell you in a real voice report the status of all conditions.

Don’t leave your data center without having the peace of mind that if something should go wrong. . . you would be the last to find out.